Saturday, May 5, 2012

My dancing, wavy girl

So Alyssa graduated from UNCG yesterday with a Bachelor of Fine Arts, and it was amazing! While most people, including the Cordell family, and definitely Chelsea would be screaming at the top of our lungs and trying to embarass one another because we love one another, I just sat there tearing up because I thought about how proud I am of her. Then I look over to my crying mom who says, "I am so proud of her." That didn't help, but I didn't lose it. I had some comedic relief on the other side of me because Alyssa's 14 year old brother was bored to death and kept looking at me like, "Is this thing over yet?!?!" But most of all I just sat and enjoyed it. I began to realize what it meant when the waving girl on stage at her first dance recital meant to her parents, because my girl was "on stage" waving to me, and we both were so happy and giddy and nervous and scared and totally calm. I love being married to my best friend.

So I ran around at the end, because Alyssa's phone died, to get to where they were going to walk out and I wanted to get a wonderful picture and coordinate a meeting place. While I was waiting I was standing next to an older Chinese man whose daughter graduated and we swapped congratulations. BUT THEY WENT THE WRONG WAY! I don't know who told them to walk the opposite direction, but they are not on my good side. Thankfully she had my number memorized, otherwise we would be stuck at the coliseum still trying to find each other.

At this point I found out my grandmother, Mimi (who Alyssa and I went to see Wednesday at we went to the temple), had another stroke (#3), and that she wasn't responding. So my mom went to go see her with my dad and all of Mimi's (3) children. I know that is kind of a random entry, but it is what happened and I don't really know what else to say and not sound heartless. Alyssa and I knew when we saw her that she wasn't going to be with us much longer, so it was sad, but we know about God's plan of salvation so it's not really sad.

Then we went to her department graduation where everyone was getting an art degree and it was funny because only half of them were wearing their gowns. Alyssa and I joke about how its because they are art students. Doc (Alyssa's dad) realized the correlation between sculptors and bikers, they were big, and balding. And there was the stereotypical side note by the commencement speaker about gay and lesbian rights in a free world, to which no one in our entire row clapped (we were only a fifth of the row).

I am so excited for her to start teaching art and for her to be able to come home again and tell me about kids that do crazy things and the fun art lessons they are doing. Thank you Heavenly Father for my eternal best friend!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Being in Charge

.........or not! I am here at my school. Teaching. Alone. Ahhhh! My Mentor called out sick and so I am here. With out her. Alone. I LOVE IT!!! Finally being able to teach and feel like a real teacher- not a student. I can't wait to be on my own. I love my Z- he packed my lunch:)

Ok- off to teach about the Solar system!

Monday, April 16, 2012

People should smile more

Yesterday, I went sketching with my wife in the Greensboro Arboretum, this was after we can back from camping with her family, where her brother and dad were called down to participate in the Order of the Arrow. Then we went and ate dinner with my family and watched the Amazing Race. My life is good. REAL GOOD.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


So, I don't know why but I am obsessed with hummingbirds, well, not really obsessed but I like the idea of them. I think they are interesting. Kind of like me, not "interesting," but I meant in another sense. The sense of they are always moving but they need to be still to get anything done, aka, stay alive. It's kind of like the gospel, you have to be moving and serving but the Lord says "be still, and know that I am God." That's what I need. I've decided to paint a hummingbird, perhaps. I've done some sketches and here's what I've got. Don't judge me, I'm not done. And my wife is the real artist :) she's gonna help me!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Coo-Coo Nest

This was my crazy morning and why I think I needed it. You think the pharmacy is a safe place, right? You go there thinking- I'm getting my meds...maybe a chocolate bar and I'll be on my way. Unlike those old people that seem to sit in those blood pressure chairs for hours waiting for St. Peter. I got dressed and ready to leave the house at 6:45 like every other morning. Thinking the pharmacy opened at 7, I would get my insulin and head out to work. Checked online to make sure it was open at seven so I didn't drive the three blocks to be disappointed. good thing I did! They opened at 8. Of course this is on a day when I really was ready at 6:45 and not 7. Called the school and told them I would be a little late. Got to the pharmacy found out my policy had changed this year and I had to pay a butt load for my medicine. Normally this would not bother me. I mean, ya, I don't wanna spend money- but I usually don't cry about it.
Today was different.
I called my dad to ask him a few questions about the insurance to make sure I wasn't totally in the wrong here. Well I woke him was 5 am his time. He was in CA. Whoops. He was nice about it though. He talked to the pharmacist...and while he was I could feel the blood leaving my face.
I had a distinct feeling.
I was gunna pass out.
My had just checked my BG and had eaten so I knew something was wrong. I was having a panic attack. I got the phone from the Pharmacist and did my best to find a chair. All I could hope for at that moment was for a chubby grandpa to pass out next to me first. No luck. But I did find a a corner. I sat down and told my dad to had to call him back in a minute. He had sounded like the Charlie Brown teacher. Then I hit the moment that we all have and probably should more often. I just let go of control. I instantly knew I wouldn't pass out. I sat there and said-Heavenly Father, I'm trapped. then nothing. then He said- Call Zach. I did and he didn't ask any questions. He listened and as I told him about it- I heard the sound of a whizzing truck.
Z was on his bike.
His white steed.
He sat with me and we talked, laughed and cried. I realized he didn't have class until 11 and it was just a workday for me. This was the perfect day for trouble. So, trouble showed up- but trouble always brings peace. I called my dad back. He was so sad for me and made me feel so special. Zach took us home to drop off his bike and then I was off to work. We had both windows down and I felt safe. We pulled up and got out to say our goodbyes. I was about to get in the drivers side- when two birds that were mating/fighting/trying to win a thumb war with each other flew into our car!!!!! These birds were not small birds. I screamed and ran over to Zach. One flew out and the other was confused by the windshield. Zach thought that it needed to be scared of the windshield, so naturally, he flung his arms towards it. The bird flew out. Leaving gifts of nature all over the dashboard. Not the feathers, twigs, leaves kind of nature either. That's just like humans- we have the whole world to discover and we find ourselves in the weirdest tightest spaces. Once I got to work my mentor asked me to sing a Beyonce song with her for a assembly. Needless to say we practiced. Twice. She's awesome.

I love my husband. He believes in me. He is the kind of husband that you really hope every woman has. He is better than any chocolate bar.

Today felt like fate. Everything. Even singing I'm a survivor, I'm not gon' give up at the top of my lungs with a 50 year old.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Crocheting Cordell

She's a machine, no joke.

Well, more of an addict, but it is healthy and productive and not at all detrimental to our relationship haha. Alyssa has started crocheting and I would have posted pictures, except she has already given them all away, for birthday presents and niceness points and just in good nature. I keep telling her that she should just sell them, but noooooo. :) Well, our life is good, "REAL Gooood" as Nacho would put it. Alyssa is student teaching now at two Elementary Schools and getting on the MUST HIRE list! And I am still doing nothing. I just figured I would take a break and update our blog in the midst of studying for my Nutritional BioChem exam tomorrow at 8 in the morning. I was up in our study/guest bedroom/closet area studying last night and kept rocking the studying today. One day I will get to teach this stuff and it will be really nice. Because I will be getting paid for doing what I want to do. Since we have been married my affinity for cheese as increased and my relationship with facebook has had a congruent but negatively related effect. So, I figured maybe I could just keep up with those that I love and care about here, and look at their pictures some other way. Oh we have some of our wedding pictures, but not really, they are online.

This is my favorite.
Man, she is pretty.
If you want to see it closer you can put your face closer to the screen....
oooooor you could push the command and + button.
