Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Coo-Coo Nest

This was my crazy morning and why I think I needed it. You think the pharmacy is a safe place, right? You go there thinking- I'm getting my meds...maybe a chocolate bar and I'll be on my way. Unlike those old people that seem to sit in those blood pressure chairs for hours waiting for St. Peter. I got dressed and ready to leave the house at 6:45 like every other morning. Thinking the pharmacy opened at 7, I would get my insulin and head out to work. Checked online to make sure it was open at seven so I didn't drive the three blocks to be disappointed. good thing I did! They opened at 8. Of course this is on a day when I really was ready at 6:45 and not 7. Called the school and told them I would be a little late. Got to the pharmacy found out my policy had changed this year and I had to pay a butt load for my medicine. Normally this would not bother me. I mean, ya, I don't wanna spend money- but I usually don't cry about it.
Today was different.
I called my dad to ask him a few questions about the insurance to make sure I wasn't totally in the wrong here. Well I woke him was 5 am his time. He was in CA. Whoops. He was nice about it though. He talked to the pharmacist...and while he was I could feel the blood leaving my face.
I had a distinct feeling.
I was gunna pass out.
My had just checked my BG and had eaten so I knew something was wrong. I was having a panic attack. I got the phone from the Pharmacist and did my best to find a chair. All I could hope for at that moment was for a chubby grandpa to pass out next to me first. No luck. But I did find a a corner. I sat down and told my dad to had to call him back in a minute. He had sounded like the Charlie Brown teacher. Then I hit the moment that we all have and probably should more often. I just let go of control. I instantly knew I wouldn't pass out. I sat there and said-Heavenly Father, I'm trapped. then nothing. then He said- Call Zach. I did and he didn't ask any questions. He listened and as I told him about it- I heard the sound of a whizzing truck.
Z was on his bike.
His white steed.
He sat with me and we talked, laughed and cried. I realized he didn't have class until 11 and it was just a workday for me. This was the perfect day for trouble. So, trouble showed up- but trouble always brings peace. I called my dad back. He was so sad for me and made me feel so special. Zach took us home to drop off his bike and then I was off to work. We had both windows down and I felt safe. We pulled up and got out to say our goodbyes. I was about to get in the drivers side- when two birds that were mating/fighting/trying to win a thumb war with each other flew into our car!!!!! These birds were not small birds. I screamed and ran over to Zach. One flew out and the other was confused by the windshield. Zach thought that it needed to be scared of the windshield, so naturally, he flung his arms towards it. The bird flew out. Leaving gifts of nature all over the dashboard. Not the feathers, twigs, leaves kind of nature either. That's just like humans- we have the whole world to discover and we find ourselves in the weirdest tightest spaces. Once I got to work my mentor asked me to sing a Beyonce song with her for a assembly. Needless to say we practiced. Twice. She's awesome.

I love my husband. He believes in me. He is the kind of husband that you really hope every woman has. He is better than any chocolate bar.

Today felt like fate. Everything. Even singing I'm a survivor, I'm not gon' give up at the top of my lungs with a 50 year old.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that's awesome. I hope things keep getting better. Y'all are wonderful.
